Barça Chants with lyrics in English
There is nothing better than getting to know the chants that Barça fans sing so that you can join along. The aim of this page is to collect as many simple Barça chants as possible so that non Catalan fans can easily learn and sing.
If you know other chants we could add to this page, please let us know at
Cant del Barça
Tot el camp és un clam som la gent blaugrana Tant se val d’on venim si del sud o del nord ara estem d’acord, ara estem d’acord, una bandera ens agermana. Blaugrana al vent un crit valent tenim un nom el sap tothom: Barça, Barça, Baaarça!
Jugadors, seguidors, tots units fem força. Son molt anys plens d’afanys, son molts gols que hem cridat i s’ha demostrat, i s’ha demostrat, que mai ningú no ens podrà tòrcer. Blaugrana al vent un crit valent tenim un nom el sap tothom: Barça, Barça, Baaarça! |
The whole stadium Roars with one voice, We're the blue and claret people; Wherever we are from, From the south or from the north, Now we all agree, we all agree, One flag seals our brotherhood: Blue and claret to the wind, Our cry is valiant, We have a name, that everyone knows: Barça, Barça, Barça!
Players, Supporters, Together we are strong; And after many years of struggle, And many goals we’ve cheered, We’ve shown them all, we’ve shown them all, That we can never be defeated: Blue and claret to the wind, Our cry is valiant, We have a name, that everyone knows: Barça, Barça, Barça! |
Un dia de partit
Un dia de partit al gol nord vaig anar nomes entrar a la grada em vaig enamorar el cor em bategava no em preguntis per que del barça soc supporter sempre t'animare
ale, ale, ale ale, ale, aleeee ale, ale, ale, ale, ale, aleeee |
On a match day I went to goal nord only walk into the stadium I fell in love My heart was beating don't ask me why I am a Barça supporter and I will always love you
ale, ale, ale ale, ale, aleeee ale, ale, ale, ale, ale, aleeee |
Perico dime lo que se siente
Perico dime lo que se siente tener tu casa en cornella te juro que aunque pasen los anyos nunca nos vamos a olvidar te tiramos sarria fuisteis a la montanya y despues te echamos de nuestra ciudad bajaste de division para poder ser campeon rezaremos por tu desaparicon |
Perico tell me what you feel to live in Cornella I swear that even time goes by We will never going to forget We demolish Sarria You went to the mountain And then we kick you out of our city You were relegated to the second division In order to be win something We will pray for your disappearance |
Mil vuit cents noranta nou Neix el club que porto al cor Blaugrana són els colors Futbol Club Barcelona lo, lo, lo, lo-lo-loooo, lo, lo, lo, lo-lo-loooo, lo, lo, lo, lo-lo-loooo Futbol Club Barcelona |
1899 Was born the club I love Blue and scarlet are our colors Futbol Club Barcelona lo, lo, lo, lo-lo-loooo, lo, lo, lo, lo-lo-loooo, lo, lo, lo, lo-lo-loooo Futbol Club Barcelona |
I si tots animem!
I si tots animem! I si tots animem! I si tots animen guanyarem!!!
Lo, lo-lo, lo, lo, looooo |
And if we all support! And if we all support! And if we all support we will win!
Lo, lo-lo, lo, loooo |
Una grada que viu per tu!
Hi ha una grada que viu per tu que no deixa mai d'animar eeeooooo Futbol Club Barcelona |
There are fans in a stand that live for you and they never stop supporting you eeeoooo Futbol Club Barcelona |
Ole-le Ola-la, ser del Barça és el millor que hi ha!
Ole-le-le, Ola-la-la Ser del Barça és el millor que hi ha! |
Ole-le-le, Ola-la-la Being a Barça fan is the best thing there is! |
Orgullós de ser culé
Do you know a YouTube video for this song? Let us know! |
Sóc del Barça i sempre ho seré que orgullós estic de ser culé sóc del Barça per tu jo lluitaré que orgullós estic de ser culé lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo..... |
I am a Barça fan And I will always be one I am so proud of being a Barça fan! I am a Barça fan and for you I will fight I am so proud of being a Barça fan! lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo..... |