XXXV Trobada Mundial de Penyes Barcelonistes

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Penya Blaugrana London attended the XXXV Trobada Mundial de Penyes last week.  Below a brief summary of the main issues discussed.


1. Carnet del Penyista

The club wants to introduce an official card to identify all Penya members.  The main driver is to understand the scale of the penyista movement. This card will not only bring Penya members closer to the club (via an officially issued card by FCB), but will also enable several advantages in terms of discounts and offers from the club.  This card will be available from 2013.


2. Re-organisation of the International Penya Zone

FCB organizes penyas in 30 geographical zones.  PB London is part of the International Zone, which comprises all Penyas outside of Spain.  This zone has unique challenges due to the large number and distance between Penyas.  For example, a penya in the Caribbean has very different issues and needs than a Penya in Europe or Asia. The suggestion presented to the Penyas was to divide this area into 6 subzones: West Europe, East Europe, Asia, Oceania, America and Africa.  This suggestion was however not very well received amongst international Penyas, as there were concerns this would increase bureaucracy.  It was decided further talks amongst international Penyas was needed.


3. Honorific President

It is a requirement that Penya presidents need to be FCB socis. Given the restrictions imposed in the club to become FCB soci, foreign fans are finding very hard to create new official FCB penyas, especially in the Asia region where the club expects considerable growth. A suggestion put forward to the Penyas was the figure of the Honorific President.  An Honorific President would be FCB soci living in a different region to the proposed Penya, who will guarantee the veracity of the Penya and its board. A lot of concerns were however raised about this figure, and the club promised extra diligence and controls when awarding official recognition via this route.


For further details you can check the official website of the Trobada


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