About Us

Penya Blaugrana London (PBL) is an official FC Barcelona Penya founded in 1985. Our Penya credencial number is 385, and we are proud to be the oldest official FC Barcelona penya outside Spain.

The objectives of PBL are:

  • Provide a platform so that FC Barcelona fans can socialise, enjoy, meet other FC Barcelona fans and make friendships.
  • Participate and assist FC Barcelona in activities in the London area.
  • Promote FC Barcelona historical values, such as social integration, respect, tolerance, sportsmanship, solidarity, democracy and catalanity.

PBL statutes define the rights and obligations of its members and how the association is constituted and governed.

This is the constitution of the current PBL board:

  • Eduard Manas – President
  • Daniel Sanchez – Vice-President
  • Jaume Bonells – Secretary
  • Mubarik Chowdry – Treasurer
  • Angelo Mogan - Public Relations and Legal Advisor
  • Demi Garcia - Head Social Area
  • Javier Roca - Social Area
  • Adria Martinez - Head Social Media

To contact the board, please send an email to contact@pblondon.org